
Faculty Outcomes

The School of Health and Medical Engineering has 31 full-time faculty members, including 14 professors, 11 associate professors, and 6 assistant professors. The faculty members' professional fields cover a wide range of health and medical engineering-related areas, including life sciences, molecular biology, food microbiology, medical informatics, medical administration, public health, biomedical engineering, biophotonics, and biomedical materials. In addition to their dedication to teaching, the faculty members have made significant academic research achievements and actively publish papers in renowned domestic and international journals (including SCI, SSCI, and TSSCI, THCI, CPCI, among others) and participate in conferences. They also execute projects funded by the National Science Council and the Ministry of Education, and collaborate closely with the industry.Recent academic performance results of our faculty members can be found in the table below.

Teacher Outcomes Statistics

2024-2025 National Science and Technology Council Grant Proposal
Department Principal Investigator Amount Project Title
Biomedical Engineering YEN-JUNG CHIU 951,000 Exploring Immune-Related Drug Resistance Factors in Cancer Through Machine Learning and Bioinformatics: Integration of scRNA-seq and Bulk RNA-seq Analysis
2023-2024 Industry-University Cooperation Program
Department Host Project Name Subsidy/Entrusting unit Start/End Date
Healthcare Information & Management KOYIN CHANG; LEE, WEN -LI Preventive Medicine Health Screening CHENG DING INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD 2024/01/01-2024/12/31
Healthcare Information & Management Chuan-Tsung Su; HWANG,LIH-LIAN The effect of the sleep quality and quality of life in registered nurses with photobiomodulation: A randomized controlled trial Ten-Chen General Hospital 2024/04/01-2025/12/31
Biotechnology Department International Business and Trade Program HAN-TSO LIN; Chen Ho; David Tsai ASEM Youth Sustainable Innovation Competition Camp ASEM Foundation for Environmental Protection and Sustainability 2024/05/01-2025/02/28
Biomedical Engineering CHIU,YEN-JUNG Academia Sinica Healthy Longevity Grand Challenge Program ACADEMIA SINICA 2024/07/01-2026/06/30
Biomedical Engineering CHI-HUA WU Preliminary Study on the Improvement of Primary Dysmenorrhea and Weight Loss Using Low-Level Laser (650nm) ITRACXING TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. 2024/09/01-2024/12/31
Healthcare Information & Management HWANG,LIH-LIAN Comparing the Impact of Credibility Checklists and Credibility Cues on College Students' Evaluation of Online Health Information Credibility. Ministry of Education 2024/08/01-2025/07/31
Biotechnology Department HAN-TSO LIN Feasibility Analysis of Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) for Monitoring Environmental Microbial Communities. FAR EASTERN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 2024/09/01-2025/08/31
Healthcare Information & Management LIN, CHIH-MING; LIN, CHENG-YEN; Ying-Chen Chi Analysis of the Correlation Between Hospitalization and Mortality of Non-Communicable Diseases During the Pandemic. FAR EASTERN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 2024/09/01-2025/08/31
Biomedical Engineering CHI-HUA WU; HSIEH,YAHUI SOPHIE The Effect of Photobiomodulation on the Stress and Sleep Quality of Healthcare Workers. FAR EASTERN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 2024/09/01-2025/08/31
Biotechnology Department CHEN,LIANG -YU Biomass Energy Technology Development Consulting Services - Phase 1. Ikari Enterprises Co., Ltd. 2024/09/01-2025/08/31