2022 International Symposia On Striving For Excellence In Higher Education-health Technology
2022 International Symposia on Striving for Excellence in Higher Education-Health Technology
Since the development of recombinant DNA technology (genetic engineering) in the 1970s, biotechnology has developed extremely rapidly and is considered to be one of the cutting-edge technologies of the 21st century. The scope of application of biotechnology is very wide, and the research on medicine has attracted the most attention, and the application in agriculture, food and environmental protection has also made considerable progress. It has been more than 16 years since the establishment of the Faculty of Health Science and Technology in our school. With the spirit of improving social health care technology, we have continued to study in the teaching and research of biotechnology, medical engineering, and medical information and management, so as to become one of the top universities in the world.
Biomedical engineering is an emerging human-centered academic field that aims to apply engineering technology to promote human well-being. Biomedical engineering started from assisting the improvement and breakthrough of medical technology, thus contributing to the rapid progress of human medical technology in the past three decades. At present, everyone can generally live a long life, and of course they should live a good life. Therefore, biomedical engineering has gone beyond the scope of assisting in the treatment of diseases in the past, and is moving towards improving human health care in an all-round way.
With the affluence of the society, the improvement of the quality of life, and the transformation of diseases, the health awareness of the Chinese people has greatly increased. The society and the public have a strong demand for dietary nutrition information and health care strategies. Nowadays, countries all over the world are promoting "health promotion" and "disease prevention", and the most effective way is to carry out "health management". The promotion, protection and maintenance of human health in the future will all be related to health management.
In this international academic seminar of our school, the health technology group discussed three topics including "Innovation and Development of Biotechnology in the Post-epidemic Era", "Development and Application of Health Care Information and Management" and "Application and Prospect of Biomedical Engineering". The theme was discussed, and a total of 66 papers were published at the seminar after review. In addition, experts and scholars were specially invited to deliver 2 special speeches on topics such as "Aspects of Surgical Treatment of Liver Cancer" and "Current Status and Future Development Opportunities of the Biotechnology Industry". It is hoped that the exchange of research experience through academic exchanges will serve as a reference for future academic research.
On the eve of publication, I would like to express my sincere respect and gratitude to all the hosts, paper presenters and all distinguished guests attending the conference with a short preface!
SHEN, PEI-DI , President of Ming Chuan University
Meeting Agenda - Biotechnology Group
Date: 2022/3/11(Friday)
Venue: Room S516 and S308, Information Building, Ming Chuan University Taoyuan Campus
Theme: Innovation and Development of Biotechnology in the Post-epidemic Era
The innovation and development of biotechnology in the post-epidemic era
Meeting Agenda - Medical Information Group
Date: 2022/3/11(Friday)
Venue: Room AA701, AA601, AA101, Science and Technology Building, Ming Chuan University Taoyuan Campus
Topic: Development and application of health care information and management
Developments and Applications in Healthcare Information and Management
Classroom AA601 08:45-10:00
Paper Published
Moderator: ZHANG, WEI-BIN; Commentators: LI, WEN-LI; SU, CHUAN-ZONG
Posted by | Post Topic |
LIANG, CHIH-NING; SHIS, YU-CHIA; LIN, I-PIN; CHEN, WEI-HAN; WU, PEI-YUN; WENG, YUNG-CHING | Infantile Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Simulation |
LIU, YONG-WEI; TSAU, TING-YU;CHANG, JUN-YUAN; CHANG, HAN-CHUN; HUANG, YI-SHUAN; TSAI, YU-SHUAN; YE, QU; WENG, YUNG-CHING | Voice and Cross-Platform Application for Assisting Visually |
LEE, SHAO-LUN; CHENG, CHUAN-ZU; LI,YU-WEI; HUNG,WEI-SHENG | Far Eastern Memorial Hospital LineBot FAQ |
HUNG, KUO-SHU; LIN, YUNG-I; CHEN, YU-CHI; LIAO, YUNG-CHIEH; LI, KUAN-YING | Foreign Home Caregiver Assistance System 2.0 |
Meeting Agenda - Biomedical Engineering Group
Date: 2022/3/11(Friday)
Venue: Room AA501 and AA503, Science and Technology Building, Ming Chuan University Taoyuan Campus
Topic: Application and Prospect of Biomedical Engineering
Applications and Future Developments in Biomedical Engineering
Classroom AA501 09:10-12:00
Paper Published
Posted by | Post Topic |
LI, JIA-LE; YANG, JIA-YAN | EEG-Based Anxiety Recognition and Relief System Using a Deep Learning Algorithm |
LIAO, YOU-ZHEN; YANG, JIA-YAN | Intelligent Robot with Emotion Recognition in Voice and Emotion Regulation |
SONG, TING-XUAN; YANG, JIA-YAN | An Identification System of Mobile Gaming Addiction Using EEG Based on Machine Learning Algorithms |
JIANG, JIA-HE; YANG, JIA-YAN | Establishment of a Virtual Reality Balance Training System to Improve the Cognitive Function |
CHEN, YAN-ZHANG; YANG, JIA-YAN | A food recognition system using deep learning for weight control |
WANG, ZHI-HONG; YANG, JIA-YAN | Application of Convolutional Neural Network in the Dual Identity Recognition System by Signature and Brain Wave |
CHEN, QIAN-RONG; ZHENG, AN-QI; WU, JI-HUA | Study the effect of blood circulation for the patients with hemodialysis by low level laser stimulation |
LIU, ZHE-LIN; WU, JI-HUA | Discuss the changes of meridian value after irradiating the orbicularis oris by using 830nm laser |
HUANG, RUI-JUN; XUE, YU-FANG; TANG, SHI-CANG | Preparation and properties of porous polyvinyl alcohol-gelatin composite scaffolds |
YOU, JING-KUAN; WU, JI-HUA | Administrative procedures for medical workers to purchase equipment in the hospital |
HE, SHUO-ZHE; WU, JI-HUA | Optometry machine use and practice experience sharing |
CHEN, KUI-YUE; WU, JI-HUA | Low-energy laser and its records---results of irradiating Xuehai Point for three weeks statistics |
Paper Publishing - Biotechnology Group
Date: 2022/3/11(Friday)
Venue: Room S516 and S308, Information Building, Ming Chuan University Taoyuan Campus
No. | Topic | Posted by | File |
1 | Strengthening protective measures for medical examiners operating high-risk COVID-19 specimens | LIN, JIA-MI | Open file |
2 | Effect of rice straw on biosynthesis of lovastatin in submerged fermentation by Aspergillus terreus | YI, JIN-QUAN; SU, WEN-DA | Open file |
3 | Experimental Design and Improvement of Sensory Preference Test Method (Monell): Taking Six-Option Sweetness Preference as an Example | ZHANG, BI-JIANG; CHEN, LIANG-YU | Open file |
4 | Effect of adding sodium citrate on the photochemical reaction of catechin-aluminum system | CHEN, SHI-XUAN; LIANG, ZHI-YUAN; LI, SHU-YUAN | Open file |
5 | Real-time monitoring of beer quality using near-infrared spectroscopy | YANG, ZHE-YONG; ZHENG, JIAN-WEI | Open file |
6 | Enterococcus alishanensis sp. nov., a novel lactic acid bacterium isolated from fresh coffee beans | ZHONG, REN-HAO; WU, HUI-ZHONG; ZHANG, YOU-ZHONG; LI, YU-XIAN; CHEN, YI-SHEN | Open file |
7 | Isolation and identification of spore-forming lactic acid bacteria with high d-lactic acid production capacity | YAN, YU-YING; WU, HUI-ZHONG; CHEN, YI-SHEN | Open file |
8 | Detection of changes in functional components of Ganoderma lucidum and Armillaria lucidum in co-culture by near-infrared spectroscopy | XU, CAI-QING; ZHENG, JIAN-WEI | Open file |
9 | Study on the Cultivation of Antrodia Cinnamomea Using Supercritical Fluid Cinnamomea Extract | LIAO, PEI-QI; ZHENG, JIAN-WEI* | Open file |
10 | Analysis of Single Cell RNA and its T Cell Antigen Receptor (TCR) and B Cell Antigen Receptor (BCR) Sequencing | WU, BING-LIN; LI, YU-XIAN | Open file |
11 | Feasibility study of using zebrafish as an animal model for myopia research | SHI, LE-HUAI; QIU, QI-MING; LIN, HAN-ZUO | Open file |
12 | Analysis of Tissue Culture and Antioxidant Properties of Soapwort | QIU, ZHEN-WEI; HUANG, SHAO-WEI; ZHANG, ZHI-FENG; JIANG, ZHI-MING | Open file |
13 | Exploring the Function of Porcine Deltacoronavirus Nonstructural Protein6 | XIAO, MENG-AN; ZHANG, YOU-ZHONG | Open file |
14 | Exploring the Function of the Chaperon-Usher Fimbria Bcf Adhesin of Salmonella Typhimurium | HUANG, WEI-XUAN; ZHANG, YOU-ZHONG | Open file |
15 | Using TTSS structural protein PrgI as a vaccine carrier platform to express PDCoV-N protein | DING, YING-ZHEN; ZHANG, YOU-ZHONG; WU, HUI-ZHONG | Open file |
16 | Development of a subunit vaccine containing Salmonella fimbrial adhesin protein BcfD | ZHANG, BAO-YUE; ZHANG, YOU-ZHONG | Open file |
17 | Supercritical Extraction and Analysis of Functional Components of Cyclobacteria | HENG, PEI-YU; HUANG, YUN-XUAN; ZHENG, JIAN-WEI | Open file |
18 | Mass Spectrometry Identification and Analysis of Volatile Aroma Components in Tea | XIAO, YU; CHEN, LIANG-YU | Open file |
19 | Identification of Potential Metabolic Disease Modulating Traditional Medicinal Herbs Potency Analysis on Fatty Acid Cellular Accumulation in Hepatic Cell Lines | ZENG, LI-QIN; LIU, ZHI-YING; ZHUO, PIN-XIU; QIU, QI-MING | Open file |
Publication of Papers-Medical Information Group
Date: 2022/3/11(Friday)
Venue: Room AA701, AA601, AA101, Science and Technology Building, Ming Chuan University Taoyuan Campus
No. | Topic | Posted by | File |
1 | Infantile Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Simulation | LIANG, CHIH-NING; SHIS, YU-CHIA; LIN, I-PIN; CHEN, WEI-HAN; WU, PEI-YUN; WENG, YUNG-CHING | Open file |
2 | Voice and Cross-Platform Application for Assisting Visually | LIU, YONG-WEI; TSAU, TING-YU;CHANG, JUN-YUAN; CHANG, HAN-CHUN; HUANG, YI-SHUAN; TSAI, YU-SHUAN; YE, QU; WENG, YUNG-CHING | Open file |
3 | Far Eastern Memorial Hospital LineBot FAQ | LEE, SHAO-LUN; CHENG, CHUAN-ZU; LI,YU-WEI; HUNG,WEI-SHENG | Open file |
4 | Foreign Home Caregiver Assistance System 2.0 | HUNG, KUO-SHU; LIN, YUNG-I; CHEN, YU-CHI; LIAO, YUNG-CHIEH; LI, KUAN-YING | Open file |
5 | Medical self-efficacy, medical treatment indecision, and the match of decision-making models on the physician-patient relationship quality | XU, XIU-YUAN; LIN, WAN-JUN; JIAN, RU-JUN | Open file |
6 | Related Factors of College Students' Health Literacy under COVID-19 Epidemic | JHANG, TAI-SIANG; CHEN, GUAN-LUN; WANG, CHIEH-HSIN; WANG, JUI-YUNG; CHEN, CHIH-YU; SHEN,TUNG; TSAI,TSUNG-HAN; CHI,YING-CHEN | Open file |
7 | Relationship between Sleep Quality and the Related Factors of a College Students in Northern Taiwan | LI, MING-YI; HUANG, YANG-CHING; HU, HSUAN-KE; CHEN, CHING-YI; CHI, YING-CHEN | Open file |
8 | Related Factors Affecting Female College Students Seeking Medical Treatment for Gynecological and Breast Diseases | HSU, TZU-LAN; WU, CHIH-SHUAN; LIANG, YU-JING; CHEN,PIN-YUN; HUANG, YUN-HUI; YEH, WAN-HSIN; CHI, YING-CHEN | Open file |
9 | A Cloud System of the Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease based on Internet of Things Technology | LAI, CHIA-YI; CHEN, YU-CHIEH; CHANG, SHUN-YA; LI, SIANG-LING; LEE, WEN-LI | Open file |
10 | Parental care life assistance system | ZHUANG,QI-XUAN; CHEN, PIN-CHEN; KAN, HSIN-JU; LAI, YU-CHENG; CHANG, KO-YIN; LEE, WEN-LI | Open file |
11 | The infection of influenza in Taiwan region | TSAI, PEI-CHI; LIN, HSIU-NI; CHUANG, PEI-HSUAN; YANG,PIN-CHIEH; YANG, HAO-YI; LIN, CHIA-WEI; HUANG, HSIAO-TZU; LIN,CHIH-MING | Open file |
12 | Trends and Influencing Factors of New Coronary Pneumonia Unblocking—Taking the United States as an Example | CHEN, TZU-TING; TIAN,YU-CHING; LI,PEI-SHAN; HSU,YA-JU; LIN,YING-CHI; WU,YI-CHE; LIN,CHIH-MING | Open file |
13 | The sleep quality of college students | YANG, TZU-CHUAN; LIN, YU-ZHEN; LIN, CHIA-WEN; LU, ZI-TING; HWANG, LIH-LIAN | Open file |
14 | The correlation study between Self-Concept,Learning effectiveness,Life-Adjustment and Mobile phone addiction | LIU, RUI-AN; LIU, WEN-JIE; LU, TE-HAO; LIN, SHUN-YU; HSIEH, YA-HUI | Open file |
15 | Factors Affecting the Willingness of Retenting Job by Caregivers | CHEN, YI-SHAN; ZHUANG, WEN-TING; LIN, WEI-TONG; QIU, DAI-YU; LI, ZHEN-WEI; ZENG, LI-SHEN; XIE, YA-HUI | Open file |
16 | A Model of the COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors- An Empirical Case of Health Care Workers in Taiwan | CAI, ZONG-HONG; HUANG, LI-NA; ZOU, XIU-ZHU; LI, WEI-LIN; XU, HUI-QING | Open file |
17 | A Cloud System for Mental Healing Agency | CHAN, EN-HUA; LEE, WEN-LI | Open file |
18 | A Study of Elderly Fall Detection Algorithms | LO, HSIN-JU; LEE, WEN-LI | Open file |
19 | Mining the Consumption Habits of Free Mobile Game in the Time of COVID-19 | LIN, YU-JUN; CHEN, YING-RU | Open file |
20 | Mining Word-of-Mouth of Parent-child Camping Area | ZHANG, YI-LIN; CHEN, YING-RU | Open file |
21 | The free consultation service model of Chinese medicine promotes the healthcare development of the community in Penghu, Taiwan | CHOU, LI-SHENG; LEE, TAI-CHIEN; HSIAO, CHIA-CHI | Open file |
22 | The Relationships between Self-Efficacy, Social Support, Social Participation and Medication Adherence Behavior in an Elderly Aboriginal Community-Taking Changxingli and Kuihuili in Fuxing District, Taoyuan City as examples | YEN, MON-TING; CHI, YING-CHEN | Open file |
23 | Applying clinical data to predict dialysis for patients of chronic kidney disease: A machine learning approach | KU,YUH-TING; LIAO, CHEN-MAO; LIN, CHIH-MING | Open file |
24 | Use the DEMATEL decision-making laboratory analysis method to explore the key factors of Fire Department Regarding Emergency Rescue During the Covid-19 Epidemic Period | HUANG, SHI-HUAN; LIU, ZHONG-JU | Open file |
25 | The Relationships between Depression Level, Social Support, Social Participation and Well-being in an Elderly Aboriginal Community-Taking Changxingli and Kuihuili in Fuxing District, Taoyuan City as examples | HSIEH,CHIA-CHEN; CHI, YING-CHEN | Open file |
Paper Publishing-Biomedical Engineering Group
Date: 2022/3/11(Friday)
Venue: Room AA501 and AA503, Science and Technology Building, Ming Chuan University Taoyuan Campus
No. | Topic | Posted by | File |
1 | EEG-Based Anxiety Recognition and Relief System Using a Deep Learning Algorithm | LI, JIA-LE; YANG, JIA-YAN | Open file |
2 | Intelligent Robot with Emotion Recognition in Voice and Emotion Regulation | LIAO, YOU-ZHEN; YANG, JIA-YAN | Open file |
3 | An Identification System of Mobile Gaming Addiction Using EEG Based on Machine Learning Algorithms | SONG, TING-XUAN; YANG, JIA-YAN | Open file |
4 | Establishment of a Virtual Reality Balance Training System to Improve the Cognitive Function | JIANG, JIA-HE; YANG, JIA-YAN | Open file |
5 | A food recognition system using deep learning for weight control | CHEN, YAN-ZHANG; YANG, JIA-YAN | Open file |
6 | Application of Convolutional Neural Network in the Dual Identity Recognition System by Signature and Brain Wave | WANG, ZHI-HONG; YANG, JIA-YAN | Open file |
7 | Study the effect of blood circulation for the patients with hemodialysis by low level laser stimulation | CHEN, QIAN-RONG; ZHENG, AN-QI; WU, JI-HUA | Open file |
8 | Discuss the changes of meridian value after irradiating the orbicularis oris by using 830nm laser | LIU, ZHE-LIN; WU, JI-HUA | Open file |
9 | Preparation and properties of porous polyvinyl alcohol-gelatin composite scaffolds | XU, JIA-QIAN; CHEN, MEI-RONG | Open file |
10 | The Study of Biodegradable Chitosan–Glycerol–Curcumin Composite Membrane for Skin Tissue Engineering | ZHU, PEI-XIN; ZHANG, JIA-JIN; CHEN, PEI-RU | Open file |
11 | Characteristic study of Hydroxyapatite-chitosan composite microporous bio scaffold | CHEN, JUN-LIANG; LI, ZI-WEI; CHEN, PEI-RU | Open file |
12 | A Study of Alginate-Chitosan-Nanoparticles Loaded With Resveratrol To Inhibit Melanoma Cells | LIN, HONG-MIN; XIAO, QI-HONG; CHEN, WEN-REN; CHEN, PEI-RU | Open file |
13 | Separation of different sized microparticles using inertial migration in a microfluidic channel | LIN, YI-XUAN; ZHUANG, YA-QING; LI, YI-CHUN; ZHUANG, YUN-RU | Open file |
14 | Constructing an Interoperable Streaming ECG—Taking FHIR as an Example | HUANG, RUI-JUN; XUE, YU-FANG; TANG, SHI-CANG | Open file |
15 | Preparation and Evaluation of Alginate/dECM Scaffold Hydrogel Composite Membranes for 3D Bioprinting Material | LI, YI-XUAN; JIAN, YU-TING; LÜ, YUAN-RONG; HUANG, QING-CHENG | Open file |
16 | Biodecellularized scaffolds for the preparation of hydrogel composite films. | CHEN, YING-RU; LIU, ZU-NING; CHENG, HONG-XING; HUANG, QING-CHENG | Open file |
17 | Investigate the effect of different treatments on the preparation of porcine liver acellular porous materials. | JIANG, JIA-ZHE; HUANG, QING-CHENG | Open file |
18 | Preparation of Designed decellularized plants as perfusable tissue engineering scaffolds | SHI, XUAN-JIA; HUANG, QING-CHENG | Open file |
19 | Properties of Microcapsule Emulsion | YANG, YU-TONG; TAO, YU-GUANG; WU, QIN-ZHE; NI, XIAO-QIANG | Open file |
20 | Administrative procedures for medical workers to purchase equipment in the hospital | YOU, JING-KUAN; WU, JI-HUA | Open file |
21 | Optometry machine use and practice experience sharing | HE, SHUO-ZHE; WU, JI-HUA | Open file |
22 | Low-energy laser and its records---results of irradiating Xuehai Point for three weeks statistics | CHEN, KUI-YUE; WU, JI-HUA | Open file |